Embracing Resilience: Finding Strength in Adversity and Community

I figured it out there is only one thing that you need to be able to do to be successful just one you need to be able to be punched in the face continuously I just be like it’s grand I’m gonna keep going it doesn’t matter if you have your own business if you’re an employee if you’re a fractional if you’re somewhere in between this is just like the state of the world at the moment you gotta take so many knocks and you’ve just gotta be like boom I guess I’m fine it’s all good the way I like to get through this is by looking around me and seeing that everyone is getting knocked down at the moment everyone is going through like a really hard time there is no easy time right now they just isn’t the best thing you can do if you are in the knocking down stage is find your people you will not find them on their social media find your communities find your place and hold on to them tight