The Easter Shoes Incident: A Lesson in Gratitude and Humility

The guy by the name of George Easter was coming up, and we went to Super Shoe, and we were looking at shoes, and I saw a pair of shoes. I was like, oh, these are nice. So he purchased them and he gave them to me. And I was excited. It felt like the first day of school. I put my whole entire Easter outfit out. And then I went to the barbershop for my Easter haircut. And when I got there, George was getting a haircut. And champ was like, hey, man, I heard George got you some shoes. And immediately I just felt like, ah! So later on, George came by the house. I went upstairs, I put the shoes in the box, and I gave him the shoes back. And he’s a minister at the time. So he says to me, you’re being ungrateful. And I said, no, I’m not. What you doing, secret god to reward you openly? I said, that’s the word. What you did is you took the blessing away because you made an announcement in front of everybody at the barbershop. And so my mom said, you gonna apologize to him? I said, I will not apologize to this man. The reason why is because everybody in the barbershop knew what he had done. It wasn’t out of the kindness of his heart. He wanted recognition for what he was doing. Therefore, I don’t want him.