Embracing Freedom: Overcoming Fear and Shame Through Honesty and Faith

If we walk with god, we really seek to know him. We move closer to him. All of the sudden, we’re free from the fear of others. All of the sudden, we begin to experience a greater joy. What if your lack of joy is because of what you’re hiding? Like, what if. What if your anxiety is from what you’re hiding? Like, what if this is where the enemy messes with you? When you bring it to the light, he loosens his grip. This is how the enemy works. If you’re afraid they’re going to find out, he’s going to use that to keep a part of your heart prisoner to himself. But if you say, yeah, this is true, and, yeah, this is true, and, yeah, most days I’m like, an insecure sixth grader, and, yeah, I care way too much about my kids, and, yes, I struggle with control, and. And when I’m on Instagram, you know, I. I sometimes slow down on the wrong pictures, and you start saying it all out loud. Satan, what are you gonna do now? And he’s like, we got nothing here. Let’s go to the next. And I’m just telling you, that’s a freedom that some of you have never felt. And I want it for you so bad.