Addressing Organised Crime: A Call to Tackle Root Causes

Happy arson to you. Happy arson to you. Happy arson, Victoria. Happy arson to you. Hip hip kaboom. Hip hip kaboom. Hip hip kaboom. Well, Victorians are sick to death of organised crime running this state. It’s time that we, uh, focused on the root causes of organised crime rather than looking at the, the consequences of it. Ah, what we need to do is the federal government needs to lower tobacco excise tax so that we don’t have these incentives for organised crime and legalise vaping for adults. That’s what we need to do if you wanna stop these arson attacks. Otherwise, they’re just gonna keep continuing. But it’s only a matter of time before, before innocent civilians get killed in this gangland war. Um, we need to stop it. We can stop it by attacking the root causes rather than them playing this whack a mole approach that the governments are doing. We cannot police our way out of this.