Savings Confessions: Age, Money, and Miscalculations

What is going on here? How old are you and how much do you have in savings? I’m 55. No savings. Ate it all. I’m 28 and I have $40,000 in savings. Okay, Justin Timberlake, you are drunk again. You are not 28, you are 43. 23. 23 what? Thousand years. 23, I’ve got about. Bro, if you are 23, then I am not born yet. 23, I’ve got about 60 grand in savings. We don’t believe you because you said you are 23, which is unbelievable. We are not the Lulu. I’m 24, man, what the hell? Why are all these Gen X pretending to be Gen Z? Have maybe 23 grand or so. We know that cannot be their age because they have thousands of dollars in savings. 24 year olds don’t have money. They have debt and depression. 26, okay, I don’t wanna brag. Tell us. Well, I’ve got more than 100,000. Bro said I don’t wanna brag. Like he’s going to say hundred million dollars. And how comes this 26 year old looks younger than the 24 and 23 year old? It doesn’t make sense. Somebody is trying to bamboozle us. I’m 22 and I have like about 10 k in saving. You have brought shame to your family by being a 22 year old Asian man that is not a millionaire. Doctor, do better.