Snowbear Territory: The Unusual Adventures of a Heroic Hunter

Big Snowbear was fighting against the captain, and it seemed that the battle was on equal footing. But the captain began to attack harder, causing the big paw of the snowbear to be turned the other way. The captain continued to beat him with his big axe.

The other guys who watched this admired their captain. After all, they had expected this kind of behavior from him, for he was an experienced hunter and different from the others he had handled almost an entire pack of snowbears almost single handedly and was sure of himself. The boys decided to take all but the organs of the meat to provide food for themselves. With this meat, they could survive for a few days. It was a wonderful start for them. The captain began yelling at his charges that it was all nonsense. After all, we can’t relax until we’re out of the woods. After all, we’ve only made it through now because of him. And by now, the others should be bare snacks by now.

But those others the captain was talking about, that was us. We continue to walk through the snowy forest, but the girl began to tell me that we couldn’t go any farther. I asked why not. She pointed her hand into the trees and asked me if I could see that this whole area marked by gentle bears and the whole forest was snow bear territory, and we should go back before the monsters showed up. But I started to tell her that if this area belongs entirely to the snow bears, then we shouldn’t go back. After all, I have a plan and that’s why we’re going deeper into the woods. But that girl started to get nervous because she didn’t want to hear what I was telling her. She thought I was just in a hurry to die. I went on to say that this was snow bear only territory in the woods and we should only worry about bears. Better to deal with snow bears than snow elves. If there are a lot of snow bears in the area, it must mean that there are no more powerful predators here, so we won’t run into any stronger monsters.

After these reflections, the girl realized that I was right. She couldn’t understand why she hadn’t thought of that. I began to tell her that we were going to make it anyway, but I noticed the way she was dressed and I realized that it was too cold in the woods. I asked her if she was cold in those clothes. And at the same moment, I called up my inventory. From my inventory, I started to get clothes out and told everyone to put them on here. It would be a shame if they all died of cold before we met the monsters. The girl was a little shocked because she didn’t expect me to have spatial magic. The other guys were surprised too. Isn’t spatial magic limited to just one or two objects? And the fact that I was able to summon so many things was surprising. And they didn’t understand who I really was.

Walked up to my sister’s girlfriend and told her that I was actually the one who brought her here and it was my responsibility to protect her. However, she shouldn’t be asking me anything right now. And that goes for everyone else. I began to tell them not to ask me any questions or demand anything of me. But all of a sudden, I started hearing someone coming toward us. And when I turned around and saw a big snowbear, the guys who were standing behind me started screaming and panicking. They said they would have to worry, just not about the snowbears. The girl started saying that going into the woods was definitely the wrong decision. She said she would keep him distracted until we all found a way to kill him. But I took her by her clothes with my hand and started pulling her back. And she didn’t understand what I was doing, but I started talking in a way that made everyone understand that I was going to hunt monsters. But the girl still insisted and said it didn’t matter how strong I was, because it was still a high ranking monster, but I couldn’t lose the experience right in front of me. So I started to change my title. After all, the title, he who surpassed the enemy is awarded to those who heroically defeated the enemy. And my characteristics increase in proportion to my loss of health. Characteristics increase by 1% for each percentage of health loss.

And at that very moment, the big snow wolf started attacking me. I was able to jump up the mountain and began to think that if I added the effect of the title to my current level, I could destroy it with my bare hands. While I was in the air, I flew straight at him and hit him with all the force of my hand right on his head. The impact knocked the big snow wolf off his feet and he fell to the ground as if he’d been pressed inside. The whole group that came here with me was shocked by what they saw. After all, they were not expected that I could take down a snow bear with one blow. But I was sitting on a dead snowbear, and I realized that’s exactly what I thought because this is an unusual done dungeon. The experience I get in it is different too. And my level instantly went up. The girl who examined it didn’t understand who I was.

At the same time, outside the gate, the head of the white tiger began to question the hunter. What is your business, hunter Jin Wo, and why did you come here to the entrance of the dungeon? But the hunter replied that it was none of his business. He was just having fun.

The head of the White Tiger understood that he should not think about those red gates, for nothing could be done anymore behind that gate might not be a dungeon, but a desert with temperatures over 60 degrees, a jungle with poisonous snakes and insects, or an extremely cold snow zone where you could get severe frostbite. But chances of them coming back alive are minimal. But the hunter wanted to see what would happen next. To see something so rare just walking by, but that’s pretty troublesome. And he can’t just wait here for this dungeon to open.

The inspector stood near the others and began to ponder that Jin was lucky, for this is a red gate and even an s level hunter is powerless here. But he’ll be even lucky gear if he can come back alive. But at this time already, when the sun is set, we sat in the woods and lit a fire. And on it, we ate the meat that had been achieved during the battle with the gentle bears. The guys started to eat the meat, but for them, the bear meat was a little tough, but it was pretty tasty.

Girlfriend’s sister’s girlfriend I brought here started telling me that my sister really doesn’t do anything at home except do her homework and say she hangs words on the wall instead of wallpaper to study in her sleep. But I told her that she is just like them guys. Come home, she plays, eat and sleep at home. We have Sonia, who loves fried chicken. But my sister’s girlfriend thought I was lying because she is so good studying. But I myself could not believe it because when we were younger, we were together playing arcades.

Guys who were sitting across from us in the beginning whispered among themselves that they thought that the number of ambushes of snowbears, but it was because our captain took care of them. He killed a snowbear with his bare hands. And at this point, I got up and started to leave, but the girl started, Ed, to act, ask me where I was going. And I told her 100 times, I’ve eaten already, I’ll go do exercise. They did not understand why I was doing the exercises in a row indoors, but I began to explain to them that if I did not do them, I would be fine. At that point, they realized that I was definitely weird. A little while later, I found myself on a tree branch and hanging head down. I started doing ABS exercises, but that quickly bored me as I couldn’t afford to fall behind the group and end up in the penalty area. So I decided that when I warmed up, it was time to go hunting.

I didn’t get much farther away, at which point a bunch of awful snow bears started advancing toward me from some black port portal. I stood in front of them, but the question arose, will my shadow soldiers be enough for all of them? And as soon as I said the word rise, terrifying shadow appeared behind me from which my soldiers began to emerge. It felt as if there was complete darkness around me, so deep and black that no one who looked could see further than 10 m. From my shadow. Little by little, my shadow soldiers began to appear. They were so black that the white snow disappeared against them. And I began to tell them, but they had already understood their first assignment.