Rediscovering Memories: The Resurrection of My High School Digital Camera

This is my digital camera from middle school. I ordered new batteries for it, so let’s see if it works. I still have the old battery, but it’s dead. And I didn’t have a charger for it. So I got two new batteries and a charger. Oh, I hope these batteries actually came charged. Moment of truth. Is it gonna turn on? Oh, set date and time? Yes. Oh my gosh. The current date that it’s set on is 2,009. Wait, so maybe this was high school, not middle school. I just looked it up. These actually did come out in 2009. So I was in high school. I was fifteen. Let’s change the date. Oh no, it says the card can’t be used. Why can’t the card be used? This is so sad. If anybody knows why, just like a regular ST card won’t work in here, let me know. This mom and I are doing a girls day out and I wanted to take digital pictures. It’s gonna be so cute. Okay, it’s later the same day and I have an update. I found an SD card that I got in like 2013. And y’all, it works! Hey, Rosie, you wanna be a little model for me? Cheese! I have a digital camera. I literally cannot believe that this thing still works. Hey, bandit, say cheese! Oh, what a good boy. Thank you. Thank you. I’m so obsessed with this. It’s. It seems so silly, but I’m so Excited. And I’m gonna just keep it in here with my YouTube camera and we can take little digital pictures, haha.