Justin Glaze and Susie Evans Call It Quits: A Look at Their Recent Breakup in Bachelor Nation

Things are officially over between Justin Glaze and Susie Evans from Bachelor Nation. Us Weekly just dropped the news that they are no longer together after eight months. So this did not come as a surprise to most of us because there has been speculation for months. I noticed about a month ago that they kind of stopped posting each other to their Instagram grids, and they were really only posting each other to post ads. Because basically when you’re in a sponsorship, you can’t really go back and say, you know, I don’t really wanna post this anymore because we’re broken up. So anyway, Justin went on Bachelor Nation’s almost famous podcast and said, Susie and I were not together. We are doing our best to kind of, like I said, protect each other, keep things private as we try to navigate what this looks like for us. He also admitted that the breakup has not been easy for him. We still have a ton of love on each other. We’re on great terms. We still talk and are in communication. Like I said, we are still prioritizing each other ourselves in our relationship. He also talked about being on the same page about their relationship, saying that when it first happened, they weren’t going to make some joint post together, but just figure it out in private. But yeah, I can’t say I’m super shocked about this, but I do wish the best for both of them.