Chaotic McDonald’s Order: A Tale of Frustration and Attitude

Now I have to fucking wait because this dumbass. Hi, will you please see your mobile app? No, ma’am. Hello, Maria. I need another song. Take this song. So he does. He does want to be. What can I get for you? Can I get a. No. 6? You want the meal for that? Yes, ma’am. What kind of drink? A vanilla lot and iced vanilla latte. I’m sorry, what kind of latte? Uh, the vanilla. Hot or iced? Iced. Alright, what else? And then can I also get a number four? The meal as well? And can you make the drink a caramel iced coffee? Okay. And that’s gonna be it. I have no words for this fucking experience right now. Quick, my attitude fucking changes, like. And now we wait. I thought McDonald’s was supposed to be fast. Which one’s which, ma’am? Which one’s which, ma’am? Fucking bitches, bro. Fuck these fucking bitches with the fucking attitude. Like, one thing about me, however you treat me, is how I fucking treat you. I came to Fucking McDonald’s perfectly fine with a fucking smile on my face, waiting in fucking line for 10 fucking minutes before you take my order. And I gotta wait another fucking 10 minutes just to get my order. And when I ask a simple fucking question, I get ignored, okay? That’s why I snatch the shit out your hand. And what you do? Nothing