Oasis: The Resurgence of a Rock Legend

Oasis. It’s Oasis news. Um, and I think it’s kind of news in the sense that it’s happening, but I don’t think it’s news in the sense that it’s news to anybody. We all knew, didn’t we? We all knew. It’s new. Maybe it’s news with a K on the beginning. Good. All right. Early days of the darkness. I remember walking up Haversack Hill, which is. Leads up to Hampstead. I don’t know why I was wandering up there. I was probably lost, but, um, I think we just been on Jules Holland or something like that. And, uh, this Range Rover pulled over, and Liam Gallagher leapt out, to my delight and amazement. And he came over to me and he went, top band, man, top band. And I went, I like your band as well. Your top band. And you mean you’re the top band? And then we just kept saying top band to each other. It was awesome. Another thing I think I love about Oasis is the fact that they’re not concerned with other people’s opinions of them. They’re completely unapologetic. And they. They probably say and do things that would get you cancelled in this day and age, but they just don’t care. They don’t even care that I appreciate that and think it’s cool. They don’t even care that I think it’s cool that they don’t care that I think it’s cool. And they don’t care that I think it’s cool that they Don’t care that I think it’s cool that they don’t care that I think it’s cool, and I still think that’s cool, but they don’t care. Um, anyway, I would love to go and see Oasis. I just think it’d be awesome. I would love it. Um, and I’ve never said that about, for example, a band like Coldplay that’s lived in stadium since the Oasis hiatus began. Um, and if anything, I think the popularity of these shows is gonna prove how relevant they still are. I’m really hoping that there’s gonna be more recorded material, actually. It’s brilliant. And it’s so positive as well. It’s brothers coming back together. It’s Oasis doing those brilliant songs in huge stadiums, the way nature intended. This is a proper stadium rock band, and they’re back. I’m excited. Are you excited? Use the comment section below.