Exploring Irony and Arrogance: LGBTQ+ Community, Christianity, and Acceptance

it’s ironic that a whole community I’m talking about the LGBTQ+ community talks about love and acceptance guys consistently are always bashing Christianity you guys opened up at the Olympics with a knock off last supper if I were to do that if I were to even do something remotely close to offensive to another community um another religion I’d be canceled I probably lose my job for god sakes but no it’s Christian so it’s fine we can just be super horrible to them man we got a lot impact here first if you wanna talk about irony about a community preaching love and acceptance um secondly there’s a certain brand of arrogance that you have to have to watch something like the Olympics and feel personally attacked we talked about this many times and how many times people have to tell you it was never about the last supper and it really doesn’t matter how many times people tell you that it was the last supper you’re gonna continue believing it because if you admit that it wasn’t last supper you don’t get to play the victim anymore even though you weren’t a victim to begin with because it’s not like the last supper was some divine creation by god no a man painted that shit I feel like this is some Zoolander Mugatu I’m taking crazy pills right now ma’am I can be a representative of the LGBTQ+ community let’s just pretend I speak for every single one of them um we do not want anything to do with you if we could just snap our fingers and you will leave us the alone and we will leave you the alone make it happen I’m speaking for myself now I mean this with all of my heart I want you to believe whatever the you wanna believe you’re a Christian follow your faith if you’re Muslim if you’re Buddhist whatever the it is I want you to be able to express that freely just leave us out of it so moving forward keep my community’s name out your mouth I’m just kidding that was a Will Smith reference