Life-Saving Tips for Emergency Situations on the Road: Stay Visible, Stay Safe

I almost killed someone tonight if I help one person with this post I hope it’s you if you have a car please put a headlamp a flashlight a reflective vest or some sort of reflective triangle in your car and uh if you ever have to change a tire put your hazards on pull all the way over and put your hazards on it was super dark on the highway somebody was on the right hand side of the road without their hazards on pitch black dark car dark clothes and a truck was on my left side and was pushing me over I was in the right lane and I just happened last minute to see this this car and this person with their butt in the road like please please get it a headlamp so you can see what you’re doing a reflective jacket so people can see you and get triple a if you can afford it okay and learn how to change a tire please please go do that don’t die