Empowering Women to Achieve Financial Stability and Peace of Mind: The Importance of Emergency Funds and High Yield Savings Accounts

this is amazing I love that my advice about an emergency fund and a high yield savings account allows you to preserve a little bit of mental stability and peace of mind during a crazy time this is what I’m trying to get people to understand about money it’s not really about the money it’s not about the the number in the bank account it’s about the peace of mind and freedom and stability that it gives you I want women all around the world every single woman on this planet to have the feeling of safety and stability and ease that money brings and knowing that even if something happens you lose your job your partner loses their job you get sick your dog gets sick your pipes birth that you have enough money to cover yourself for at least a little bit to get back on your feet this is why we save an emergency fund why it goes in a high heel savings account for us to be able to earn more interest and hit our goals faster absolutely love this and cheering you on every step of the way