Daydreaming About a Lightning McQueen Bed: A NASCAR Fan’s Fantasy

Do you have a NASCAR bed? No. No, I wish, I wish. You know what will be better than a NASCAR bed? A Lightning McQueen bed. Yeah! Yeah! Could you imagine what it would look like if I had a Lightning McQueen bed? Watch, this is what happened. I’ll be pretending that I’m actually in the car. Watch. Put my seatbelt on first, obviously safety first. And I’ll just be like, okay, racers, start your engines. Here we go! Booty, booty, booty! What was the way to right to go left. Oh, we need a pit stop. Pit stop! We don’t. Yep, pit stop. All right, well, two seconds. That’s crazy. Now. And our last lap. And that’s how I qualify for the Piston Cup. What?