Dinner in Hawaii: Beauty and Fun Adventures by the Lake

Get ready with us for day one dinner in Hawaii way in was incredibly difficult flight was like delayed like seven hours we day we went swimming in the lake and look at my cheeks oh boy they’re hot this is like the perfect tree cheeky stain what Chloe doing oh yeah someone commented in the other get ready lucky go with Van Keith this is not real that ain’t a real Van Cleef Van Cleef is like 20 k and then this Christian but that ain’t a fake she has one as well show you bracelet look so cute say mascara hi hi come here and then I take my spoon to get the himself cause I’m not like those other girls I’m not pulling up with clumps in my eyelashes very classy hi this is the freckles can I try oh they’re actual cute that looks super cute on you that’s fun wait wait wait wait Santa Claus hahaha very cutesy