From Hustling to Living My Dream: How I Found Success and Passion in Photography

Literally this. I used to have to work three jobs just to pay rent, and now I’ve already made like $10,000. Today I’m going to buy a couch. It is a Tuesday. I think it’s Thursday, actually. Doesn’t really matter because I get paid to do what I love. So yeah, I cannot imagine doing any other job. Um, if there’s something that you love that you’re doing, that’s awesome. But I did not enjoy working my ass off just to pay rent and afford groceries. So now I get paid to do what I love. And now I’m going to buy a fancy ass couch cause there’s no other job that I would rather do. I would rather get paid to travel and take photos for the rest of my life. So that is what I’m doing. Everything that you need to do, it is linked to my bio. I literally already did all the work for you. So you can just profit off of my hard work and you get to keep all of the money. I don’t want any of it. Like, some people are like, oh, if you help me, I’ll give you a percentage. I’m like, I’ll help you and you can keep all of the money. I got you. It’s all