Best Cigarettes for Beginner Truck Drivers: A Guide Based on Driving Routes

So what is the best cigarette for a beginner truck driver? That is a very good question, and honestly, I have a couple different answers because there’s many different types of truck drivers. There’s local truck drivers, there’s delivery truck drivers, there’s cross country truck drivers, plus many more on top of those. But I’m just gonna be covering those three for this TikTok. So what is the best cigarette for a beginner truck driver? If you’re running, let’s say, local routes, like just within the state you live or something like that kind of thing, I’m thinking a Newport is probably a solid cigarette to have. They don’t smoke super slowly by any means, so if you’re just stopped somewhere and you just want to have a quick smoke kind of thing, you’re all good to just keep going after you just have a smoke, like for four minutes kind of thing. Cause Newport’s just burns so dang fast. They also got a pretty decent taste, and I think they’re a little bit stronger than I as well, so they’re gonna keep you awake and everything like that as well. If you’re a delivery truck driver, I think I’m thinking camel blues. They’re not super strong by any means, but they do burn a little bit faster than not. They’re just quality cigarettes as a whole. Something good to kind of just smoke while you’re unloading stuff out of the truck and what not. If you ask me at Least. And if you’re a cross country truck driver, I think, especially if you’re a beginner. There’s really only one cigarette that you can really choose as the best cigarette to have as a beginner truck driver. And that’s gonna be an American spirit black. Super strong, keeps you awake, burns for a very long time. Means you don’t have to smoke as many of them while you’re in the cab. Because he just got it and it burns for like eight minutes kind of thing. Kind of hard to chain smoke, means it’s healthier. You smoke something that’s easy to chain smoke, all of a sudden it’s less healthy. So, uh. So, um. Yeah, no, I think. I think that’s the best cigarette to have if you’re a long haul truck driver. I think, especially if you’re a beginner. Long haul truck driver. American spirit blacks. Especially if you’re allowed to smoke in the cab. If you’re not allowed to smoke in the cab, okay, maybe something else. But, uh, if you can smoke in the cab, American spirit blacks 100% for sure. That’s my personal take, at least.