Ranting About Cars 2: The Worst Movie of All Time

What do you think? What do you think of cars 2? What do I think of cars 2? Yes. Um. Genuinely might be the worst movie of all time. Fuck. It might be one of the worst movies of all time. Like, I want put that movie on and I feel like I lose IQ points. I feel like I lose IQ points. Every time I watch that movie. Fuck. I become more delusional. I become less of what I am as a human. I become less of what I am as a human. Oh, my gosh. Every time I watch. Every time I see a tweet about cars 2. So up is clearly better than cars 2. Up is clearly better than cars 2. It’s not even close. Cars 2 is the worst Pixar movie of all time. Clink me and you know this. It’s horrible. I think it’s top five. It’s. You’re actually need to be euthanized three times now in this podcast. That’s the third time. Euthanizing you bring it back to life. Euthanizing. We’ll bring it back. We’ll bring it back.