Memories of Conversations with Sarah and Jeremiah: From Gonorrhea to Vinaigrette

You’re so excited. I have no idea what you’re talking about. I literally perform 700 times a year. Yes, I remember that. You had short hair. Your name is Sarah. Jer. Oh, I should have remembered it was Jeremiah. That’s such a common name now. Where was the show? What is it called? Gonorrhea. What’s your name? Can you imagine if it was gonorrhea? That would be horrible. If your parents were that abusive that your name was gonorrhea. Where was the show? And we talked. What was our conversation about? Scabies. What? Oh, I. That makes sense. That I said you were positive. You’re the most positive person I’ve ever talked to. Is it ecstasy or. You had a good childhood? Wasn’t you had a good childhood? I think. No. No. Okay. Um, how was the popcorn? Isn’t the food here delicious? You didn’t eat? What kind of salad did you have? Normal. Normal salad? What does that mean? Just lettuce, tomato, and cucumber. I’m a big salad person. What else was in it? Vinegar. Vinegarette. I love you so much. Vinegar? That just sounded like my Jewish grandmother. That was vinegar. It was a normal salad, you idiot. Lettuce, cucumbers, tomato, and vinaigrette. Normal. You need more makeup.