Karma: The Tiny Terror of the House – A Puppy’s Misadventures

I know y’all are thinking, oh, karma is so cute, sleeping in her bassinette with Mister Snuggy. But I know what’s actually going through that little brain of hers. She’s dreaming of thinking about mastering the skills to terrorize the entire house for the next five hours. To you all, she seems so cute and innocent. But to us, the people who live with her every second of the day, we know she’s a goon, a gangster, a thug in puppy’s clothing who has no regard for anyone except herself and Mister Snuggy. She steals. She bites tails. She growls at Pitbulls five times her size. She embezzles cookies and doughnuts. Please send help. We are petrified in our own home, trapped by fear of what she might do.