Life Lessons and Career Decisions: A Journey Through Characters, Projects, and Failures

The attempt is to connect with people through the character that you’re playing. The hope is that the character itself is complex enough and nuanced enough and human enough that we’re able to see, hopefully, yourself and that human with judgment and without judgment. A decision that I’ve made that changed my career. It feels as if you’re making decisions every single day. The only thing that you can attempt to do is try to listen with your gut and your instincts at the end of the day. And big part of that is choosing projects. It’s very easy to get sidetracked and be persuaded to take on projects because they’re sparkly and shiny or sexy in some capacity. But then the reality is, is that you can easily end up lying. Then the audience is gonna know that. The last book that I read, that changed the way I look at the world, the Alchemist. Such a cheesy, stupid answer. And it’s so cheesy, I, like, have it tattooed on my body. That book makes you just feel like you can do no wrong. You just gotta keep putting one foot in front of the other. Essentially, a specific time that I failed. I fail every single day. Is the truth and matter. And the thing that you learn when you fail is that the only thing that really happens is that you look foolish, and then you realize, well, that’s not such a big deal, actually. And failing Actually just gives you these kind of lessons that you hope to take on with you in the future.