Avoiding the Election Buzz: Indecision and Diversions

weak corresponds are tuning into the conventions cause we’re getting paid to do it but does the average American voter rather just tune it out I’m a little election burned out I wanna talk about the election I would rather do anything but talk about the election at this point so we gave people a choice of topics to see how badly they don’t wanna talk about the election the election or shoelaces okay so the vibe I’m getting is we’re not talking about the election so we can talk about the election or you can help me decide a bookcase for my bedroom this guy’s bookcase do you like this one no would you rather talk about the election or discuss if we think orcas are still mad at us discuss about orcas like do you think they’re mad at me personally if you could choose would you rather talk about the election or why ties exist but you’re not wearing one yes I am we have two options would you rather talk about the election or do calisthenics let’s do calisthenics feel that yep feel it yep