Revolutionizing Content Creation: A Review of the Ray Ban Metal Smart Glasses

my full time job is content creation and something that changed the game and helped me help my husband film more was buying these these are the Ray Ban metal smart glasses what did they do make me look smart Matt is a little shy filming out in public sometimes I’m not I’m like whippin out the camera but he is a little like hesitant to do that so these glasses really like helped him with that just pop these babies on boom and then you got a little AI I can ask you questions now I’m the number one trivia player in my neighborhood with these bad boys on it reminds me of what’s the name of that character Tony Stark you know like you put them on and you’re like you can ask them questions just like how Tony Stark does you better play uh that teardrop song by Taylor Swift Teardrop Ricochet on my tears Ricochet Matt’s obsessed with this new Taylor Swift song it’s not a new Taylor Swift song but it’s new to him what these glasses do is you can like film in public with them without anyone knowing right here is the on button you can like flip it on and also case is like what charges these things like you put them in here and then like you charge this case this is wirelessly too so once this is charged then it’s like a portable charger for your glasses on the go when you put your glasses on they tell you how charged they are and also the app filming basically have this main button at the top right here press and hold and you’ll hear in your ear like the little sound come on and then you’re filming what’s it sound like ha ha have this little indicator light right here so that how come you know that it’s filming as long as that lights on then you know that it’s filming and once it’s done filming it’ll go doo doo again yep and then so you can turn it off by just holding the button down and then you’ll hear in your ear because like the speakers you can hear in your ear you can also take a photo by pressing the button you can actually just go hey meta take a photo so I just took a photo right now hey meta send that photo to Tori and then I’ll send the photo to Tori music wise you can actually like play music you can like ask it to that is listening to music can y’all hear it I can’t hear it I’m listening to music right now and it sounds good like the quality is like really good and you don’t have to have like stuff in your ear which is nice so like you can’t hear it all right no I can’t hear it to turn it up and down you just run your finger on the side this turns it down and this turns it up it’s kinda cool ha ha ha that’s so cool and I can’t hear it at all so you could be like doing the dishes you could be doing whatever no one even knows that you’re listening to music and the cool thing about these glasses they’re transitional lenses the ones we got so basically like inside you’re good to go and then when I go outside get like super like it look like basically like spray ban sunglasses it’s really nice to just be able to create content without like having to like hold your phone and be on your phone all the time so it’s like hands free creating kinda keeps you you wanna be in the moment those are my favorite features look at them can you also just say hey meta and just ask it questions too hey meta what’s that in front of me so I took a picture of it and said I’m staring at a phone holder with an LED light it’s like Google at your at your eyes how many miles is to the moon 238,855 miles is what it is yeah that’s crazy so now I’m the smartest person that exists yeah you can ask a question anytime anywhere even like ask what it sees ask like it’s it’s just like smart I I’m telling you I feel like Tony Stark when I have them on we actually have a link to them if you’re interested and I just wanna show you guys more so about like the cool features that they do anyway mask gotta go to work so me and Matt will be here doing work of our own ha ha