Navigating the Past: Adventures in Trucking Before Cell Phones

when we didn’t have cell phones you had to pretty much stop and ask somebody what the hell shit is but you need to learn how to read them out he had a well you’d have a phone you’d have also have you know a map with address directions you know you know we we use navigation I was his navigator we had a navigation a map in the navigation story navigation and every one of them will give you a different route I had three navigations in that truck and I was the I’ll tell you something different I was getting navigation you got to go with the one you trust most I went with a Cobra yeah I had a Peter Bill 2,018 private class P5 50 comments 18 speed at 18 speed good for the mouth but he had a kw before that got a camera for it I used to haul oversized loads yeah my widest load 22 foot wide my lowest load is 100 foot I had a stretched trailer flatbed it will stretch to 80 feet we all are long stuff off your shit