Challenging Common Excuses for Investing: Rethinking the $500-a-Month Dilemma

Now let’s look at the comments. Oh boy. 1st comment lol people don’t have an extra $500 food, gas and housing. And then look at the other comments. $500 a month for 30 years. Relatable. I’ll be a millionaire at 87. Cool! This is a real problem and it actually drives me insane. This is the cynical, disaffected young person who’s simply existed online, and all they do is post snarky comments about why this won’t work for me. $500 a month for 30 years. Relatable. This snarky commenter just wants people to agree with him or her, when in reality they could say hey, maybe I can’t afford 500, but can I afford 100? And then what about when I get married? If I get married, we have a dual income that will allow us to invest more. What about when I get a raise? What about all these other things that are gonna happen in my life predictably that will allow me to invest? Keep in mind that $500 a month $6,000 a year for somebody earning $75,000. That might be a little bit high, but you can still do it. Or you can do a fraction of it, and as your income increases, you can continue increasing that. The point is, these comments are all people looking for an excuse to not invest. These are the very same people who are gonna turn 40 then 50 and start complaining. Oh there’s no way for any of us To get ahead. Meanwhile, 15, 20 years ago, they were posting stuff like this, saying, $500 a month, that’s impossible. Never realising that this video, which is a great video, is here to show you what’s possible, but you adapt it for your own needs. First of all, if you Point Blank say you can’t do $500 a month, the first thing I would say is, show me your money. Where’s your spending going? Let’s see if that’s true or not. And if you genuinely cannot afford to put $500 a month away in investments, fine. Could you put 400, 350