Title: The Guide to Cleaning Everything: Tips for Saving Money and Time

I have, in fact, done two books. I have done that one, which I don’t think I’ve got the link on, and I’ve done that one, and the link for that is. I’ve inverted this, so I can’t, uh. There we go. So I can’t function. Oh, god, it’s so hard. There. Somewhere, there is a little yellow basket. If you click it, you can buy a copy of that. It doesn’t have photographs in it. Somebody mentioned photographs, but I’ve yet to link a shoppable video to a camera. But. But, yeah, I can’t pin this because for some reason, my. My app has stopped letting me pin videos. But there you go. That will do you for how to clean everything. And as we’re coming into the winter, that’ll save you some money as well. More than the cover price. And I am aware of the irony. You don’t have to tell me.