The Normalized Scams: Dental and Vision Healthcare, Hotel Check-In Times, and Insurance Deductibles

Also on the internet, what’s a scam that’s become so normalized we don’t even realise it’s a scam anymore? I got a few. First of all, why is dental and vision not a part of healthcare? My teeth and my eyes are inside of my body. Why do you separate them? For insurance purposes. I don’t have finger insurance. Why my eyes can’t go with my health? Why my teeth can’t go with my health? My teeth are connected to my overall health. If I have poor dental health, chances are I’m gonna have poor other health. You know, it can lead to cardiovascular health. If I can’t see good, that’s part of my health. Why are you making me pay separately for all three two hotels? If I pay a night for a hotel, I can’t check in until 3 or 4 and I gotta check out by 11. I don’t even get 24 hours. I mean, technically all I asked for was a night, but dog. I can’t get some day. I can’t get some of the day. Just a little bit of the day. I can’t get 11 to 3. I can’t get none of that part of the day. Okay, and then insurance. I pay for my car insurance every month for years and years and years and years. Don’t get in no accidents. And when all that add up, I still got to pay a deductible. Can’t you use some of my overpay from the Last years. Y’all can’t put some of my insurance towards the deductible? I can see if it was my first, second month. You ain’t even built up enough for a deductible. If I’m paying 3 72 for a month for years, why my deductible? 500. Take some of that 3 72 I done gave you. Take a Love 3 7 2 from. From July 2015 in August and put that towards it. No, y’all wanna keep it for yourself and make Affleck commercials. I don’t even have Affleck. And I do like the commercials, but that’s beside the point.