DIY Fleece Upholstery Fabric Pillow: Holly’s Favorite Bed Accessory

Here’s something I thought I’d mention. This is Holly’s pillow. It lives at the end of my bed for her to put her head on because obviously might not be comfortable. What it is, is a scrap of a remnant of a upholstery fabric and I was given a fleece. It’s rather smelly and it took a bit of washing and I couldn’t quite work out what to do with it because I can’t spin. So I made this and originally I made it as a bolster for me, but I didn’t stuff it hard enough for it to work and it ended up going to the end of my bed, really, to stop things falling off the end of my bed. As you’ve seen, it’s right against the wall and. But actually, Holly likes it as a pillow because it is wool and I cannot take it out of its cover. Obviously, over time it has got a bit drooly, and as I have now got a lovely new rug in my room, I thought I better wash it, which I have. I washed it on a wool wash because I cannot tumble dry this. It is proper wool. I then spun it full speed and because today is sunny, I am laying it in full sun and I keep wiggling it and moving it to try and bring the damp fleece to the surface. If you have, like, a pillow that’s got a. A filling of this kind, Of density. You could wash it and dry it outside like this. Um, if you have got a memory foam pillow, it needs to be a lot hotter because they take a lot more drying. Likewise, a feather pillow would dry like this. But you do have to keep moving it and kicking it around to move the interior filling to stop it clumping up. And then hopefully by tonight, that will be a lovely clean for her ladyship to put her head on.