Unlocking Your Inner Confidence: The Power of Belief and Resilience

Having the confidence of a man will low key get you super, super far in life. Why do you think they’re super, super, super, super far in life? Because they have the ego and the delusion of insane people, but it works out for them. You just have to be so confident in yourself that even when something is blowing up, you’re like, oh, my gosh, I’m still that girl. I’m still that girl. I’m. I’m. I’m still. I’m still that girl. Okay, I did that. I apologize. I, uh, fix my mistake. I’m still that girl. Move forward. Men will make so many mistakes in life and still wake up and believe. I got a shot to make it today. I have a. I can. I can make some shake today. You have to have that same sort of delusional faith in yourself that you can get some stuff done. And stop letting the same exact men who have these delusions. Stop letting them devalue you by saying, oh, because you went through this or you experienced this, or because this is what your life is giving. You can’t get to this place. You can’t get to that place. You can get to that place. It’s all about your mind. It’s all about what you believe you can do. Because if you believe you can do it, I promise you gonna get there. And that’s why I let them begin there, because they believe no matter what I do, No matter what mistakes I make, I can still get to where I wanna be.