Unlocking Your Financial Setpoint: Understanding Your Relationship with Money

I just watched a video and we need to talk about it because I think that this is gonna be pretty eye opening for some of you in this video this girl was talking about how she was today years old when she realized that there are people that have a number in their bank account that is not zero but when they hit that number they consider it zero so basically she was saying she has an older like successful sister and when her bank account says $70,000 in it that means she has zero dollars she said this concept was kind of crazy to her because she always felt like when she got to zero like actually zero in her bank account that’s when she had no more money left this is actually something that I call your financial setpoint this is basically a number that you see on your credit cards a number that you see in your bank account in your investing account that feels comfortable to you if you feel comfortable seeing $17 in your bank account then you’re gonna ride that back down to $17 every time no matter how much money you make but if you feel comfortable seeing $5,000 in your bank account that’s where you’re gonna let it ride to in terms of what I would specifically recommend to keep say in your checking account I would have no more than four to six weeks worth of Air Bones expenses in there this can really help you when you are first starting out on your financial journey and you’re setting up like automatic payments to your debt to your savings account so that you don’t feel like you’re living paycheck to paycheck even though you’re being financially responsible credit cards I would wanna see you working up to not carrying a balance month over month not putting anything onto your credit card that you don’t have the cash to pay for and for investing you’d wanna aim to have around one to one and a half times your annual salary invested by your mid 30s now obviously everyone’s financial situation is going to look different so don’t judge yourself based on where other people are in their journey judge yourself only on where you were yesterday you were in competition with nobody