Breaking Free from Productivity Debt: A New Approach to Daily Satisfaction and Fulfillment

Oliver Berkman’s got this term called productivity debt, and it’s so interesting. You know, you wake up to a to do list, there’s a certain sense of, like, dopamine release when you cross something off the list. But you become so driven by that to do list that what you’re actually waking up with is you’re starting your day at minus 10. And then what you’re aiming to do is get to the end of the day where you feel satisfied that you have achieved enough that you can feel a sense of contentment for that day have been having been complete. The flip side of that was trying to put into place this idea that rather than having a to do list, as important they are, why not start the day with a blank piece of paper? And that becomes your done list. As helpful as it is, you don’t have to get through a certain number of achievements in order to just feel like it’s been a satisfactory day or that you. You feel that you’ve earned the sense to be proud of yourself.