The Ultimate Debate: Determining the Best Video Game of All Time

What’s the best video game of all time? Monster Hunter. Tell me what the best video game of all time is. Titanfall 2 Pokemon which one? Blue. What’s the best video game of all time? Oh man, Bioshock. The visuals, everything. The story just had me from the beginning. Hmm. Monster Hunter World. Why? It’s talking. Super awesome. What’s the best video game of all time? I’m gonna have to say Planet Coaster. And I’m really nervous for Planet Coaster too. Oh, fallout 4, God of war, the last of us. For me it’s APEX Legends. What’s the best video game of all time? Uh. Fortnite. Fortnite? Where do you like to drop the most? Mostly, uh, in the new region. Do you play Fortnite with your dad? Yes. Is he better than you? Yes. Ha ha. What?