Drama and Reconciliation: A Recap of the Tense Situation Between You and Brooks

are you and Brooks finally made up no oh did you see this coming at all no I didn’t see it coming at all I was absolutely blindsided like I could not believe what I was watching myself you seem very confident in who you are any criticism you’re just like whatever I know who I am I’m not gonna let that get me down it seems to be affecting her in a way it doesn’t back to you is there something else that happens between you and Brooks later in the season or is this like a reunion drama that might have started no reunion I feel like I got away quite unscathed I was so excited to go to reunion to be honest this year um because I feel so as you said very relaxed about who I am I feel like Teflon they can throw well you know all of it then I could have like unbreakable unbreakable exactly why do you think the comment pissed her off so bad no it didn’t it was a convenient excuse for God’s sake I mean really but it’s like it was the most ridiculous comment I mean I did see vagina and yeah that’s what I’m saying like it happened and she was literally finger down with dog in the middle of the Beyonce concert I I defy any of you not to have laughed it was really funny funny is I feel like Tolene didn’t even care and it was just Brooks who was so angry she didn’t care Brooks got so angry it wasn’t even have a I’m obsessed with your no nonsense Caroline it’s I find it to be a breath of fresh air