Empowering Transformation: Discovering Who You Truly Want to Be

Who is it that you really want to be? Seriously, we have the potential to be so many things. But who do you wanna be? You have the ability to change. Who you wanna be? Do you wanna be slimmer? Do you wanna be fitter? Do you wanna look healthier? Do you wanna look better? Do you wanna fit into different clothes? Also, do you wanna give people different impression when you meet them? What do you want them to think of you? All of those things. Do you wanna be different? I should imagine the answer is yes from a lot of people. Don’t think that is an impossible dream. It’s not. We’re very fortunate. We can actually be whoever we wanna be. We really can. I mean, if you and I right now decided that we wanted to play the trombone, we’d get there. Don’t know how long it’ll take us, but we would get there in our lifetime. If you and I now suddenly decided we wanted to be doctors, we would get there. It might take us 10 years, we would get there. So with something like your weight, your health, who do you wanna be? Cause you could probably make that transition in as little as six months. Who do you really wanna be? What do you really wanna look like? You have the ability to change.