High-Flying Humor: A Tale of Air Travel Dilemmas

Line up. I’m about to catch a flight and I need a seat suitable for my height. I can give you the best view and take off. Instagram story post. I do like to flex. Yes, sir. But then I have to inconvenience others to use the bathroom. Do I look like I want to be a burden? No, sir. Then let’s get you right next to the bathroom. I may be the feces, but I don’t want to smell other people’s feces. Why don’t you become a pilot, sir? The planes practically fly themselves. I’d have my hands full with that cockpit. You think that’s funny, soldier? Yes, sir. No, sir. What’s funny is you thought fighting for elbow room is something I’d be interested in. You get endless legroom and drinks for the affordable price of 5,000. That does sound nice, but I have a question. Fire away, sir. What dictionary are you using to define affordable? Because it damn sure ain’t weeps to fall back. I can give you the space you need, but people will use your headrest as a railing to get to the bathroom. Your flaw, but the best option I’ve got. Moving forward. The rest of you will be filtered out. Enjoy your flight, sir.