Balancing Two Smart Devices: The Apple Watch vs. Smart Ring Debate

I have two smart devices that I wear every day, my Apple Watch and my smart ring. And you’re probably wondering why it’s even necessary to have two. So let me show you. Number one is just for actually comparing the different results. Like it’s actually crazy to me how two different devices meant to do kind of the same thing can have such different numbers. But I also don’t wear my ring when I’m at the gym. I usually strap it onto my chain, which I guess I’m not wearing right now because I don’t want it to get all scraped up from the dumbbells. My watch is perfect for that. But then when I’m sleeping, I really don’t wanna be wearing my watch cause it’s kind of uncomfortable. So that’s when I’ll use the ring and charge my watch. But I know it’s pretty unnecessary. Like you could just run the ring or you could just run the watch. You don’t really need both. But let me know in the comments which one you’d rather have.