Title: Balancing Priorities: A Strategic Approach to Decision-Making and Investment

So you don’t have confusion between your head and heart. You have conflicting priorities. You have to make a decision about which thing is more important to you and what risk you’re willing to take. But I might give you more untraditional advice, which is until the school is making consistently, I would say like at least a quarter, maybe six months in a row, enough to match what you’re making at your role. I wouldn’t quit cause that money is gonna be gone. That flow of income is gonna be gone. So you wanna learn as many skills as you can using that money to experiment. So running ads, buying other software, buying courses, all of those things would be things that I would use those resources towards. So that would be my recommendation, is do both. Work your ass off on school. Take the cash from this, reinvest it in this. Once this matches this with less time, then when you make the trade, you’ll be able to double or triple it.