Unity and Success: Lessons from the Black and Jewish Communities

This gonna be controversial, but I’m gonna say it. Would you agree or disagree that physically on earth, there’s more black people than the overall Jewish community? Yes or no? Talking about if you were born and raised Jewish, are there more physical people, a part of the Jewish community than the overall black community in numbers, yes or no? I would probably say there’s probably more black when you look at app. The continent of Africa? Yeah. The whole world? Yeah. I would say yes. Yes. See, they got their shit together. Community working with each other, doing dinners every Friday, putting the phone down and discussing the chess moves in the play. See, us as black people, we’re fragmented. You can’t do nothing fragmented. Can’t do nothing. Jealous and envious. Now, this is not gonna go viral because I got a Jewish daughter, so relax. Latinos, the. The Latin community, they don’t move as a fragmented race and culture. That’s why they own everything. That’s why they buying up all of the businesses. The Asian community, they don’t move as a fragmented culture. That’s why they buying up everything. Now white people got that same blueprint. And yet this is what’s scary, boys and girls. We are the most powerful, influential race, period. Not by net worth, not by politics, culture. how many things has been done to us to beat the shit out of this? Smile, and I’m still smiling. The resilience of black culture. After every attempt to kill and literally get rid of us, wipe us off the face of the fucking earth. And we still smiling, still in the videos, dancing, still influencing what they’re wearing, what they’re doing, what they’re what they’re what. The direction that they’re deciding to move in. We not watching them the way they watching us. But they got their shit together, so they always gonna win. Why we mad though? Don’t. Don’t keep talking about the Jewish community. Be inspired by what happens when they link up. What you mad at? Get some. Have you ever won a Super Bowl by yourself, Shannon? No. Have you ever won a game by yourself? No. No. All black people on the same NFL team. Right, right. Sometimes I felt like I’m playing by myself. Yeah, I understand. I just kidding. But it was still about 17 of y’all niggas on that line, though. Even though you was the. The. The star. It takes a team that the world you come from, which is interesting. Similar to my world, but very different. You have white ownership. They’re standing on a united front. Now, keep in mind, before y’all get all worked, I don’t have a racist bone in my body. I’m trying to tell y’all some uncomfortable truths. And these truths might be uncomfortable cause you, like, who did. I mean, I’m talking to you, goofy ass, fragmented ass person. Okay? The NFL own all the teams. The NFL Own the NBA, but we as black culture, are running up and down that basketball court. And once we get our shit together, we win championships, we get the rings, we get to come home with the gold from the Olympics. We didn’t pay for our salaries, we don’t own the planes that the teams are being transported on. We don’t own the arenas or the, the, the stadiums. But if we as black culture, which take up the majority of black sports, if we were fragmented, we wouldn’t win shit. So we come together and we, we, we. We get on the same. We huddle, we talk, we practice. Shannon. Yeah. We create the algorithm and we kill everything in its path. For those teams that win the championship, that win the Super Bowl. It’s a lot of white people on these teams as well, but we take up the majority, and yet we are the minority. We are the majority, yeah, but we’re the minority. So how? How? I’m asking you. All the agents, all the managers, all the lawyers in Hollywood, all the heads of all the studios, don’t keep attacking Jewish people. Cause they got their shit together, man. Don’t all the press, the media, the news outlets and all that, that everybody’s got this big, big problem with? They own it, they run it, they operate it, they control it, whatever that might be. What’s the problem? You mad at? You mad at a community? Of people that got their shit together. You had your shit together on the football field. That’s why y’all won. The days y’all didn’t have your shit together, you lost. You never won one single game by yourself. You might. You might have ran the most yards, you might have gotten the most touchdown. You might have. You might have took over all the highlight reels, but you were still on that football team with your whole squad. Would you agree? I’d agree. Okay, so guess what? Go out there and try and fly solo all you want. You ain’t gonna get shit. So why get mad at them for having their shit together?