Improving Student Writing: The Importance of Thorough Feedback and Editing in Education

As like a teacher, do you read through every single essay that you get? So. Oh, yeah, that’s why they take me forever to grade. Oh, okay. I. The only reason I ask. I had two teachers in high school who were kind of cool but kind of weird at the same time. They didn’t read anything. And I know this because there was a kid, we had to do a 10 page paper on like some US history thing, and he like, the eighth page, he wrote a SCI fi story on it. And then he still got an A. No, I gave like, it would take me. I would tell the kids too. I would be like, hey, when you turn in papers, expect a two week turnaround. That’s cause I’m reading through every single thing. I’m giving you feedback, I’m giving you editing suggestions. You’ll have an opportunity to improve the paper and turn it in again if you want a better grade. Like, I was very, like, meticulous. Yes. That’s a big vocabulary, especially with writing, because you don’t want people to leave high school not being able to communicate. Well, honestly, I think that that’s a skill that we need a little bit more attention to these days.