Cool and Crazy: A Fun Review of the JCSD Company’s Innovative Transportation Device

Good. One of those by the cats can see this is one of the crazy spirit as I said to me by the JCSD company. And look at this firm grip permission is on. It’s got as cool to instant traffic everything. So if you’re actually in the road and this DOC at night, people can’t see you coming. This cool thing here just lets everybody know.

I just actually on the other side, if you press this down, this is the accelerator. If you press it, this is what you used to basically change the modes. You got 3 different modes. Currently, I’m a mode free cuz, you know, I like to live my boss, John, is that more is going somewhere you got I’m saying, but if you wanna just be common cool.

Two on one is cool. Yeah, exactly. And if you also need to know what’s going on in this cool. Just come and look here is this obviously tells you the battery tells you how fast you’re going, what to tell you the murder you’re in.

Somehow we went back down to one. Maybe it’s because I have to be gentle with the rest of this video. As you guys can see, go cool. Stand, which means it can stand alone. You don’t need to keep bothering it, just leave it. Money can stand by it. So outside of that crazy task for any level of terrain, I feel like on these type of flat services, it actually does go quite . I’ve been in Germany. The best thing about this thing, figure back you kind of.

So if your governor methodology, this thing is just annoying me and it’s taken up too much space, you tell it to the holder, I’m gonna fold you up and let’s go. Catch you guys in a nice firm.