Important Information for Accepting College Offers and Deadlines: A Guide for CAO Applicants

Good news is that about, you know, 60,000 will be receiving an offer at 2:00 today. Everybody will who applied to CAO will be getting an email. And those who are being offered a place will get, um, an email and a text message if they chose to go that option. What do students have to do if they want to accept? And what do students have to do if they don’t want to accept what they’re offered? Alright, so if you get your offer today, consider it carefully. If you want to accept it, you must reply by September 3rd, which is Tuesday the 3rd before three PM. 3:02 won’t do. Or 3:03 or 5:00 won’t do. Okay? You must reply before that. If you do nothing, that place is passed on to the next person on the list. So it’s either accept it or ignore it. But my advice as a guidance counselor would be look at the offer that you get today and assume that it is the last offer you’re going to get for this academic year. Okay? So don’t hold off in the hope that something fabulous is coming next week, or absolutely not. Because if something fabulous does come in Round 2, you will be offered it automatically.