Community Support and Love: Updates on a Papusera Shop Owner’s Journey in Waco, Texas

As always, I love y’all. Papusery Mix. Papusery Mix in Waco, Texas. Posted this video a couple weeks ago of a lady that owns a papusera shop in Waco, Texas. She has ovarian cancer, and I’ve been meaning to give you guys an update, but I’ve been extremely busy, and so has she. But today I was able to get in touch with a translator that was with the owner, and she is doing amazing. People from all over the world, all over Texas, people still supporting, people still sending donations. People are still showing her a whole lot of love. And for that, I am grateful, and so is she. To those who have sent donations through Zelle, thank y’all so much. Now, for those who have sent donations through Cash App. She didn’t know she had a cash app. I didn’t either. She started receiving messages stating that she had money that was being sent to her, and now we’re trying to get to the money in Cash App to get transferred to our bank account. I’m fully confident we’ll make that happen. So to those who have donated through Cash App, once again and through Zelle, I appreciate you. Also, since the video, she has had surgery, and she want me to show you guys this picture I’ll post right here. This is her after surgery. Recovery is going well, and she also had her ovaries removed, and she’s very grateful, and she really does thank y’all. For all y’all support. I also asked her, is there anything she wants to say to the many, many, many, many people that have came out to support and have also left donations? And this is what she said, that she’s very thank. She’s very, very thankful to all the people that have. That have taken the time to help her and to send her good vibes. Damn, I love y’all. Thank y’all for y’all support, man. Like, for real, man. Y’all just don’t know what y’all do to me. I love y’all with all my heart. I’ll put her zilla account right here just in case you guys wanna donate. No pressure. If you can’t, that is perfectly fine. Just send her a prayer and just wish her the best. Once again, thank y’all for putting me in position to help other people. And I know I say this all the time, but I really do appreciate y’all for helping me help my family and also changing my life. Thank y’all. I love y’all. Till next time. See you.