Empowering Public Health Communication: The Intersection of Content Creation and Expertise

I am proudly both a content creator as well as an economist and there is an art to be able to communicate ideas that maybe people don’t have the time to process or digest from a book and make them into a format that people can understand I just wanna make sure I’m getting correct information in ways that like I can share with others that is That is digestible to them ’cause I have obviously Don’t have the same educational background as People that I’m taking to all the time and sometimes I use a word in vernacular that is not helpful to the situation and just makes them more confused and I’m trying to do less of that thanks there are so many really awesome content creators here on this app as well as other ones that are both professionals and content creator or health and science communicators whatever language they use but the question always is who are they and especially who are the ones that communicate in a way that a lot of people really like and really respond well to and learn great from hi my name is Evan I’m a bioethicist and I specialize in misinformation disinformation and conspiracy theories as a threat to public health but addition to that as of this month I’m also a Public Health Communication Collaborative ambassador for the Public Health Collaborative and of course if you wanna know more you know where to go what this is is it’s a group of people who make content but are also professionals in their own right who are sharing and teaching people how to communicate about public health uh it’s a project between like the CDC Foundation de Beaumont the Krezki found Kresge Foundation I think I said that right um other groups like APHA NACCHO if you know those if you’re in public health you definitely know those um but it’s a really cool project to get people talking about public health and also teaching people how to talk about public health um in a digestible way as well as combating things like misinformation disinformation and conspiracy theories online as it pertains to health science now the most important part to me about this that I wanna be transparent about is that I am not being paid to do this this is totally chosen by me you get to apply for it I’m sure they’ll do other cohorts in the future so if anybody who follows me and is also in the public health wants to join I’m sure they’ll have other open opportunities to do it um but I am not being paid to do it uh they chose a group based on applications background um the content you make on what platforms you use and they ask you to join and so you’re participating at your own will so at any time if I feel like this is not very good I can also back out I am not beholden it was very important to me if I was gonna join something like this that I had a lot of free will in addition to the fact that you have this really great project that is making public health media and information very consumable you can browse the entire website and find all sorts of things from resources to better learn about public health and public health issues but also how you can communicate about those issues uh in content in media or in other places but on top of that because of this project if you follow the hashtag that I’ll place here anywhere on any other platforms you can find who else has been a vetted public health content creator that is someone who has had their background checked it is proven that they are an expert in what they do and that they work in the industry and that they’re good at what they do when it comes to communicating about health sciences and public health so from time to time in between my regular content for the next three months or so you’ll see me make a post in relationship to this project if you see it you will most likely see the branding which will be this so here’s what it’ll look like and I’ll most likely put it somewhere in my video so that you always have access to nowhere to go after you’ve seen a video like this more than just following whatever content I make in relationship to that project I also wanna encourage you to follow that hashtag or look up that hashtag on other platforms including this one and check out who else is part of it and who else is making content and what do they talk about especially when it comes to public health a lot of my followers are pretty good at being engaged and you’re all very curious about to learn more and more about things in public health or issues in public health or history of public health there’s also just cool content creators who have been absolutely proven just for you who are both good at communicating about it in a way that you can use elsewhere but also are easy for you to understand and communicate and have been proven to work in that arena and a proven person to um have that background so you don’t have to worry about whether or not you’re following the wrong person or they have the wrong information or how up to date they might be um they work in public health and they’re content creator just like Sarah who’s obviously an economist but you know what I mean a lot of my followers frequently talk about in the comments and uh response videos and all sorts of ways how they thought that the only way that they could explore public health and explore bioethics was in a graduate class and that seeing my content has made it much easier for them to realize that they can learn it anytime and I want that I think most of the things that I know particularly about public health everyone should know and have access to and this project is a great way where you can have that because the more we all know about public health how to communicate public health and also learn about it in a way that’s consumable to us the better we can all take care of our health both individually and communally, and I love that