Magnets, Juice, and Espresso Martinis: A Traveler’s Adventure from Austin to Denver via RDU

We’re on the way to my flight. I’m gonna land in RDU from Austin, and then from RDU to Austin. Wait, from Austin to RDU? I’m gonna land in RDU, and then I’m gonna go to Denver. Yeah, I got a big travel day, and I’m really fucking excited, so let’s go travel. I have about a four hour layover in the Raleigh airport, so I’m gonna see what kind of trouble I can get into. Had the longest TSA check in checkpoint, security checkpoint, whatever the hell is called, of my life. I’m probably gonna be here for, like, 45 minutes, but it’s only 5:07, and my flight doesn’t board until 7, so I think we’re good to go. Made it through security in like, 30 minutes. Got two magnets. One for my mom and one for my grandma. I have a thing where every city I go to, I buy my parents and my grandma a magnet just so they can know where I’ve traveled to and the things that I’ve done. We have my grandma’s entire refrigerator filled up all the way to the front and the whole half of the side filled up with magnets of just places that we’ve traveled. And it’s just something cool I love to do everywhere I go. Then I’m gonna stop in a bar, give me a Bloody Mary and some food, and I still have an hour and a half until. Ow! My bag fell. I still have an Hour and a half until I board. I’m not even drunk. This bag is just heavy as hell. Y’all like, god, take my whole life in here, and I got a check suitcase. But that’s what happens when you go on an eight day trip, Baby. Bar is closed and don’t open until 7, and it’s 5:30. What is a girl to do? I’m getting me a fresh juice. It’s got cucumber, celery, apple, kale, and lemon. Doesn’t that sound yummy? Probably a better alternative than alcohol, honestly. I got a long travel day, and I got a long night when I get to Denver and a long next five days, so I should really take it easy. The juice is pretty good. It’s kind of celery heavy, and I didn’t expect it to be this big, but it’s good. I don’t know what it is about me, but I cannot wear makeup on a travel day. Not to be a pick me or anything, I’m just too fucking lazy to do it. Like, I woke up at. Well, actually, I didn’t go to sleep because I had a flight at 3:00am. I wasn’t tired until like 12:30, and then I just stayed up on Facetime all night, so it was like, what was the point in going to bed for one hour? So I’m tired as hell. I’m beat. I’m gonna sleep on both of my plane rides, though, so I think I’ll be okay. It’s all the bars. Open in 10 minutes before I board. For me the bar is open and I’m getting an espresso martini. I gotta down it cause I board in 15 minutes, right? Alright, I’m boarding. Time to take off to Raleigh, then to Denver. Safe flights for me. Love you guys.