Pizza Perfection: A Culinary Journey Through Napoli Central

And the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie. That’s a more rain. Hey guys, it’s Benji and welcome back to takeaway champions. Today we’re at Napoli Central and these might be some of the best pizzas I’ve ever had. Let’s dig in then, shall we? This first one mixes my two favorite Italian foods, carbonara and pizza. And I feel like I’m dreaming. I can’t lie. With pecarino cream base and topped with fiorde latte and Guan Charlie Mama Mia. This one is unreal. And the dough is 10 out of 10. 2. This boy is topped with barato pesto and crush pistachio. And I can’t lie, it rivals that carbonara boy, before. Just look at the state of that. You’ve gotta try it. We had to finish with a trusty Margarita, and it doesn’t disappoint. That red tomato base is something else, man, just look at the bubbly Neapolitan dough. With weather like this, I don’t even need to go to Italy sides. We got you. But make sure you get the fritto Nepaletano first. Have a look at some of these badges. Deep fried, filled with pasta or rice and cheese. We’ve also got some beautiful oil truffle French fries with grated Parmesan and a creamy barata salad.

And I can’t lie, I was in heaven, man. They don’t just do tiramasu here, they do Nutella Mizu. And I can’t lie, she’s a beauty. This sweet Nutella is folded into the creamy filling. And honestly, it might just be the I’ve ever had as well. Thank you so much to rubric for sending us to Napoli. Centro.