Taking a Chance at the ATM: Did I Waste $100 or Make $100?

Come with me to see if I waste $100 or I make $100. Are y’all. We’re at the ATM right now. Are y’all. We got the hundred. Let’s see what we do with it. Are we just pulled up to the gas station. We’re about to buy some scratchers, see what the fuck like if I waste the money or not. So wish me luck. So I just want to spend all of that. Uh, let me. Okay, let me get three of these. Alright guys, we just secured the bag. I got like fucking a billion of these, so we’re gonna scratch them. Hey man, I’m gonna show you how to make some money today. Well, these were the only ones that are winners, so I think I only made $35 and I got a free ticket. So overall I got scammed. Do not try this. Um, on to the next vlog. Cause I don’t know why I decided to do this, bro. I got 100 tickets damn near. And you’re telling me I only had four winners? Okay though, cause being the vet with it, you know what I’m saying? But I don’t know. Just. I guess comment down below what you want me to do like. Oh my god. Now I’m down 100 today. Oh my god.