Preventing a Disc Bulge: Proper Technique and Core Stabilization

I gotta make sure it’s also on the video. Ouch. That’s me. So that is the movement problem that creates a disbulge. Let me show you how to avoid it. As he deadlifts, watch how his spinal posture changes during the lift. His hips are not anchored, and the spine moves into more and more of a bend. This technique is not efficient and increases the risk of injury. You see, the outer portions of your spinal discs are called the annulus. They’re comprised of many fibers stuck together like a fabric. Within the annulus is a gel like nucleus that is pressurized when you lift loads. Poor technique when lifting leads the layers of the annulus to crack apart like a fabric unraveling. This pushes the pressurized nucleus posterior. And that’s how a disc bulge occurs. But if you stiffen your core, move about your hips, and maintain spinal posture, the risk of disc bulge dramatically decreases.