The Key to Financial Success: The Power of Consistency and Patience

Most of the time, motivation has nothing to do with your money journey. Sure, motivation might help for the first week or two when you start, but if you don’t have this one thing, then chances are you’re gonna fall off the wagon and go right back to where you started. I know because it’s happened to me. In my early 20s, we paid off over $15,000 of debt. And in my 30s, I wound up in over $100,000 of debt that I had to pay off again. Trust me, motivation isn’t the key factor that will make or break your success. And if you’re new here. Hey, there. My name is Gina. I’m the saving whiz, and I help you save money on everyday things, including your groceries. So hit follow if you like saving money the easy way. So what’s the missing piece that will help you become more successful? It’s actually two things. It’s consistency and patience. It’s being consistent with your habits, even when you don’t feel like it. And patience allows those small steps you’re taking to build up over time.