Gender and Style: Dress Code and Hair Policies in Ecuadorian Schools

Girls in pants, children with long hair This is what cannot happen in schools and schools in Ecuador. Here I tell you that classes in the highlands and Amazon are about to start. And in connection with that, let’s remember that girls are not required to wear pants. They can choose whether to wear that garment or a pair of pants. Of course, the pants must be of the same type of fabric as the institutional uniform. Students may use accessories according to their age, as long as they are related to the guidelines of the coexistence code of their school. Regarding short and long hair and types of cuts for boys and girls, remember that in Ecuador the law prohibits hindering the right of students to the free development of their personality. For example, the Secretary of Education of the municipality of Quito reminded that the way each student wears their hair must be respected because it is part of their identity, so any case of discrimination can be denounced. Schools and schools have a coexistence code that parents or representatives sign for their children’s admission. This is where the specific rules for each campus are established.