Adventures at the Dollar Tree: A Mom’s Dollar-Savvy Birthday Shopping Experience

Y’all know your girl love a good deal. We headed over to the Dollar Tree because my baby boy didn’t told me it’s one of his friends birthday at school coming up. So I told him, baby, here go $10. And $10 is your booty, child. Let’s see how he spend them $10 up in here today. First. Before we do anything, I told him, we got to head over to the bags because you gotta have some to put the stuff in you. And it’s gonna be interesting to see what this little boy pick up, because earlier when we was at Aldi, he found a football that he thought his friend would really like. But I told him, why just pick up the football when you can take this same $8, go to Dollar Tree and get several items. Oh, he was like, yeah, ma, you might be on to something. Oh, I know, boo. We went in, check out. He wind up finding some little toy that he wind up switching the slinky out for sure. I wish I had me a friend in school to buy me some toys for my birthday. Y’all know me, baby, it’s Dollar Tree, so just put it in the bag. So the cashier rung up everything. His total came to like $9 and some change. And y’all know them children can’t hold on to a penny. He took them 50 cents and went right over there to the machine and Got him some kind of bracelet. What it must be like to be a child